Here's a trustworthy drain leak repair point for you to follow up on the plumbing heating and air-conditioning guys all drive service trucks. Be on the lookout for those trucks if they are your neighbors; go say "Hello" and introduce yourself.
OK. It is Sunday. The sun is shining. I know that at least 10 million refugees from Massachusetts are speeding around Lake Winnipesaukee in their power boats. But surely Mr. Godot, who promises to be a different kind of plumber -- caring, courteous, understanding, and AVAILABLE! -- is not riding around the Lake but making preparations to repair my hot water heater.

If the owner of the business isn't 100 percent involved in the business, it doesn't mean that you write them off but you should find out how the business is being managed. Quality usually has a direct correlation to the level of local water heater repair service involvement by the owner of the business.
For the ultimate in gutter cleaning safety, make sure to check the environment near the roof, particularly where you will be cleaning. Be aware of antennae and power lines that may be present. If you're not careful, you could suffer from electric shock in case you touch a power line.
Service - Plumbing problems are not the only services that a plumber near me company should offer. The good companies offer many plumbing services, including installation of new faucets and other things on homes.
The first and most important thing to do any emergency is to CUT OFF THE WATER SUPPLY. Once this is done, you can take time to locate the problem and do something about it. Now, before you really have to, make a tour of the house and locate the water cut-off valves. Make sure everyone in the family is familiar with them.
The bottom line is: You and your plumber need to decide if you truly have an emergency plumbing problem. If the problem is serious and you really can't delay getting it fixed, then by all means have the work done as quickly as possible. It will probably be cheaper in the long run to delay repair on a plumbing problem that is "livable" for the time being. You will need to weigh your options and discuss them with your plumber after he has evaluated your unique situation.